"Plastic surgery is my passion. It is important to appreciate and use the powerful techniques used in reconstructive surgery to improve the results of cosmetic procedures, and to use my cosmetic surgical skills to enhance the results of plastic and reconstructive surgery."
Neil Bulstrode was educated at Sherborne School, UK, before commencing his medical studies at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, London. During this time he also gained an honours degree (BSc) in Physiology. He graduated in 1993 (MB BS) and continued his surgical training in London to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS) in 1997.
He trained in Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery at a number of premier plastic surgery units both in London and Sydney, Australia. This included a two year period of research at the RAFT Institute of Plastic Surgery at Mount Vernon Hospital resulting in the award of a Doctorate Of Medicine (MD) in 2002. Neil has trained with some of the UK's top Cosmetic Surgeons and was the Cosmetic Fellow at the Wellington Hospital. He passed the Plastic Surgery Specialist Fellowship - FRCS (Plast) - of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2005, entered into the GMC Specialist Register for Plastic Surgery in 2006 and is a Full Member of the European Association of Plastic Surgeons (EURAPS), the British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) and British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS).
Neil is widely published with over 90 peer-reviewed papers on an extensive range of plastic, reconstructive, cosmetic surgery and research topics including face lifts, rhinoplasty, and Botox. He has presented work internationally in Europe, the USA, and Australia.
Neil has both an NHS reconstructive and an adult aesthetic/cosmetic practice. He is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital and is the Lead Clinician for the Plastic Surgery Department. This involves the reconstruction of congenitally deformed children, ear reconstruction, craniofacial surgery, the treatment of giant congenital naevii (moles) and vascular anomalies. His cosmetic practice includes all aspects of cosmetic facial, breast and body contouring surgery.
When not at work Neil is kept very busy and happy by his family.
Mr Bulstrode works at multiple world leading institutions in London: Great Ormond Street Hospital, Parkside Hospital, Mallucci London and the Putney Clinic